• LeMore Logistics your friend with a truck.

Affordable Price, Certified Forwarder

Dear current and future Customers,

We are Indian company with a flat organisational structure what gives us big cost effectiveness which is reflected in competitive rates.
Owing to the fact that LeMore Logistics decisional centre is located in our country we can react on our Customer’s needs fast and be flexible towards his or her specific demands.
Thanks to long-term experience and diligence in keeping partner relations, we have selected group of trusted and reliable partners. You can be sure that tasks you entrust us will be realised by carefully extracted link of supply chain.
We contribute special care to your goods safety in the whole supply link.
Throughout optimally developed procedures and instructions we can guarantee: cooperation safety, flexibility, reliability, extensive approach and tailor-made solutions.
Each of our Customers get individual contact stencil which allows to be in contact with us day and night.
In order to join us to your tender, contact us on info@lemorelogistics.com